Home Workouts
Home Workout With Chad - #12
"Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."-Earl Nightingale ---------- WARMUP3 rounds of:10 thoracic extensions5 shoulder shrugs10 sit to stands (from chair)+3 rounds of:30 sec wall sit3 shoulder rows10...
Home Workout With Chad - #12
"Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."-Earl Nightingale ---------- WARMUP3 rounds of:10 thoracic extensions5 shoulder shrugs10 sit to stands (from chair)+3 rounds of:30 sec wall sit3 shoulder rows10...
Home Workout With Chad - #11
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."-Unknown ---------- WARMUP3 rounds of:10 holding up heavens3 pressing down earth+WORKOUT3 rounds of:45 sec yogi shuffle10 sit...
Home Workout With Chad - #11
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."-Unknown ---------- WARMUP3 rounds of:10 holding up heavens3 pressing down earth+WORKOUT3 rounds of:45 sec yogi shuffle10 sit...
Home Workout With Chad - #10
“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”— Herbert Simon ---------- WARMUP4 way wrist stretch+2 rounds of:10 lumbar rotations5 alligators R/L+WORKOUT3 rounds of:20 sec plank10 bird dogs/side10 scap push...
Home Workout With Chad - #10
“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”— Herbert Simon ---------- WARMUP4 way wrist stretch+2 rounds of:10 lumbar rotations5 alligators R/L+WORKOUT3 rounds of:20 sec plank10 bird dogs/side10 scap push...
Home Workout With Chad - #9
"What's the difference between the hero and the coward? There ain't no difference. They both feel exactly the same on the inside: they both fear dying and getting hurt. It's...
Home Workout With Chad - #9
"What's the difference between the hero and the coward? There ain't no difference. They both feel exactly the same on the inside: they both fear dying and getting hurt. It's...
Home Workout With Chad - #8
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy!"...
Home Workout With Chad - #8
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy!"...
Home Workout With Chad - #7
"The quality of my life is the quality of my relationship with uncertainty."-Tony Robbins ----------TODAY’S MOVEMENTS3 rounds of:10 shoulder circles10 standing twist5 standing curls10 bent over pulls/side10 standing extensions+2 minutes...
Home Workout With Chad - #7
"The quality of my life is the quality of my relationship with uncertainty."-Tony Robbins ----------TODAY’S MOVEMENTS3 rounds of:10 shoulder circles10 standing twist5 standing curls10 bent over pulls/side10 standing extensions+2 minutes...