Customer Results

See how NativePath has transformed the health of people worldwide.

See how NativePath has transformed the health of people worldwide.

NativePath female customer with gray hair and glasses holding a jar of NativePath Collagen and smiling into camera


"I am so very happy with NativePath collagen! My 6 jar journey (25 serving size) has been short of miraculous. I didn't buy it for my nails or hair but it's a added bonus. Haven't seen improvements yet. BUT, my shoulder and neck pain is completely gone! I broke my collar bone in 3 places 12 years ago, after multiple surgeries to correct it, it was never the same. Bras were so painful for me to wear, shoulder and neck hurt constantly, couldn't lift my arm over my head. Any kind of lifting would many times leave me in tears. Gratefully now the pain is gone, my mobility is amazing. Now I just need to convince my husband to take it for his shoulders and hips. He is type 2 diabetic and he read collagen supplements were dangerous for him. Thank you NativePath for making this 60+ woman feel young again. (Let's just hope I don't break any more bones hot dogging on recreational vehicle again, lol)"

— Valerie C.

NativePath female customer with blonde hair and sunglasses smiling into camera


"In this picture from last week, I'm sporting new sunglasses and highlights for spring and summer. No touchups to my face. Just regular makeup; nothing fancy. I wasn't sold on collagen at first, but I'm faithful to use it twice a day now. It really helps--hair, nails, skin--though I didn't see results right away. I also use MCT oil every morning in my coffee, and take turmeric with black pepper as one of my daily supplements, along with immune boosters. Several times a week I do 6 miles (30 minutes) on my recumbent bike--definitely a worthwhile investment for anyone with knee problems. Still eating all-organic and grass-fed or wild-catch. Next, I need to start doing more of the exercise videos. This entire program is such a great resource, and I urge everyone to stay with it. I'm 75, but I truly feel far younger."

— Connie F.


"I need to share my husband's experience with NativePath. After almost dying from Covid, my husband was losing his hair by the handfuls and his hair turned almost totally gray. I convinced him to start using collagen every morning along with a concoction I made with rosemary and cedarwood. My husband's hair is so freakin thick now and actually changed back to the color it was before he got so sick. He's still using it and his 1-year anniversary is November 2021. Thank you NativePath!"


NativePath female customer with blonde hair and blue eyes holding a jar of NativePath Matcha Latte


"You won’t be disappointed!! I had never tried it (any of them). And I went in with a very open mind.

I make mine with almond milk. So, I have a wide mouth 5c measuring cup. Wide, bc otherwise the frother sends it flying all over my kitchen I add 2c of milk and then micro for 5 min. After I add a kinda double scoop of matcha (2 cups milk = 2 scoops) and 1 scoop of collagen (from the large bag, 20mg). Froth together and serve in my fav (newly designated) matcha mug. It is the BEST way to start my day. I also give myself a matcha treat at about 2-3pm in the afternoon. I find it Provides a nice calming feeling to start the day, helps me feel awake and makes me feel full.

I have noticed that my weight has dropped a bit about 5 pounds. The legs of my pants are significantly looser and baggy in the butt And I’ve had a much needed improvement in my, we’ll say, digestive track.

I honestly can’t say enough good stuff about the Matcha! It definitely does not taste like grass which is what I was expecting it’s incredibly smooth. I agree with Rachelle there is a slight vanilla taste and maybe even a light chocolate if I pushed it. I honestly surprised myself by how much I love it! Take the time and read through all the benefits! Knowing how much good you’re doing to your body really made a difference for me. I know everybody is different and by the length of this message it’s clear I am a firm believer ."

— MaryAnn M.

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